
SONY PS3 的另类用途

新闻 美国空军对Sony 说:你为什么要抛弃我 http://bbs.chinaunix.net/viewthread.php?tid=1707720
这……由于Sony 将自己的PS3 系统小小的生了一次级,这样就导致美国空军的1700多台PS3 立刻成了废物。

呃,空军当然不是拿PS3 去玩空战游戏,而是利用PS3 的支持Linux 功能来组建计算机处理群,这样比单卖同性能的电脑要便宜很多。之前就有美国政府使用PS3来破解加密系统的新闻了,所以空军用这个也不奇怪。

可是SONY 最近一次固件升级将不再支持安装第三方操作系统(PS3 说:作为一个游戏机,你拿我当计算机使我表示鸭梨很大。),这不仅惹毛了一些喜欢DIY 的玩家(也有人破解了出来),更是让类似政府机构极为头疼。

空军研究人员说,他们费了九牛二虎之力,才把PS3 群组建出来一个强劲的超级计算机,这1700多台PS3 还是年初购买的了,SONY 这个变态也不打一声招呼……看来我们以后要支持XBOX了……

# 他们目前采取的办法是,让机器继续使用旧版固件,防止升级。

Google http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=Sony+ps3+us+air+force 举例一则:

Air Force may suffer collateral damage from PS3 firmware update

When Sony issued a recent PlayStation 3 update removing the device's ability to install alternate operating systems like Linux, it did so to protect copyrighted content—but several research projects suffered collateral damage.

The Air Force is one example. The Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, New York picked up 336 PS3 systems in 2009 and built itself a 53 teraFLOP processing cluster. Once completed as a proof of concept, Air Force researchers then scaled up by a factor of six and went in search of 2,200 more consoles (later scaled back to 1,700). The $663,000 contract was awarded on January 6, 2010, to a small company called Fixstars that could provide 1,700 160GB PS3 systems to the government.

Getting that many units was difficult enough that the government required bidders to get a letter from Sony certifying that the units were actually available.

Dirt cheap computing

Another grotesque waste of taxpayer dollars? Exactly the opposite, according to research lab staff. Off-the-shelf PS3s could take advantage of Sony's hardware subsidy to get powerful Cell processors more cheaply than via any other solution.

"The Advanced Computing Architectures team at the Information Directorate considered several alternatives to arrive at the configuration of the proposed system, including the Sony BCU-100, IBM Blade Q22, and IBM PowerXCell 8i CAB accelerators cards," said the Air Force last year. "In particular, the performance capabilities of the Cell Broadband engine were examined in considerable detail on each of the algorithms."

The team also looked into using dual-quad-core Xeon servers for its cluster, going so far as to do a "detailed study of Xeon multithreading and SSE4 optimization on image processing intensive tasks." The hardware worked well, and it eventually came to serve as subcluster headnodes that sit between the PS3 cluster itself and the control terminals.

But building the entire cluster out of Xeons would cost "more than an order of magnitude greater than the PS3 technology." The team also looked into advanced GPGPUs but found that they worked best to "accelerate a subset of our algorithms, particularly the frontend processing and backend visualization, but lag the PS3 in the bulk of the calculations where processes need to intercommunicate and share memory beyond what is supported efficiently by the GPGPUs."

The initial test cluster (source: US Air Force)

The result was the 500 TeraFLOPS Heterogeneous Cluster powered by PS3s but connected to subcluster heads of dual-quad Xeons with multiple GPGPUs.

The Air Force team ordered the hardware, spent days unboxing it and imaging each unit to run Linux, and then... Sony removed the Linux install option a couple months later. (One can only imagine what happened to those 2,000 PS3 controllers and other unneeded accessories.)

Does it matter?

Sony's decision had no immediate impact on the cluster; for obvious reasons, the PS3s are not hooked into the PlayStation Network and don't need Sony's firmware updates. But what happens when a PS3 dies or needs repair? Tough luck.

We checked in with the Air Force Research Laboratory, which noted its disappointment with the Sony decision. "We will have to continue to use the systems we already have in hand," the lab told Ars, but "this will make it difficult to replace systems that break or fail. The refurbished PS3s also have the problem that when they come back from Sony, they have the firmware (gameOS) and it will not allow Other OS, which seems wrong. We are aware of class-action lawsuits against Sony for taking away this option on systems that use to have it."

A similar issue will confront academic PS3 clusters, which have sprung up in labs across the country. In 2007, a North Carolina State professor built himself a small cluster that he cobbled together after "he spent a few hours one day in early January driving from store to store to purchase the eight machines."

The University of Massachusetts has 16 machines networked into a cluster called the "Gravity Grid," used to look at gravitational waves and black holes. According to the physicists at UMass, the PS3's "incredibly low cost make[s] it very attractive as a scientific computing node, i.e., part of a compute cluster. In fact, it's highly plausible that the raw computing power-per-dollar that the PS3 offers is significantly higher than anything else on the market today."

All such projects will last as long as the machines survive or used machines are still available, but new hardware can't be added and refurbished machines can't be used. A class-action lawsuit has recently targeted Sony for removing a promised feature retroactively, though the issue is unlikely to be decided anytime soon.

We asked Sony for comment on how its decision would affect scientific computing clusters, but received no answer before publication.

A love affair with off-the-shelf consumer hardware

Such are the dangers of relying on consumer-grade hardware sold with a very different set of concerns from those that bedevil the scientists, especially in an era where firmware updates routinely alter functionality. But the Air Force, for one, has no plans to stop.

"The gaming and graphics market continues to push the state of the art and lowers the cost of High Performance Computing, FLOPS/WATTS per dollar," the Air Force Research Laboratory told Ars. "This is important for embedded HPC, our area of expertise.

"The HPC environment is rapidly changing; leveraging technology that is subsidized by large consumer markets will always have large cost advantages. This gives us the experience (lesson learned) to develop HPC with low-cost hardware, benefitting the tax payer, Air Force, Air Force Research Lab while utilizing limited DoD budgets."



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      以下,便是你在人生中要好好记 住的事:

     (一)对你不好的人,你不要太介怀,在你一生中,没有人有义务要对你好,除了我和你妈妈。至于那些对你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也请多防备一点,因 为,每个人做每件事,总有一个原因,他对你好,未必真的是因为喜欢你,请你必须搞清楚,而不必太快将对方看作真朋友。
     (二)没有人是不可代替,没有东西是必须拥有。看透了这一点,将来你身边的人不再要你,或许失去了世间上最爱的一切时,也应该明白,这并不是甚么大不了的 事。

     (四)世界上并没有最爱 这回事,爱情只是一种霎时的感觉,而这感觉绝对会随时日、心境而改变。如果你的所谓最爱离开你,请耐心地等候一下,让时日慢慢冲洗,让心灵慢慢沉淀,你的 苦就会慢慢淡化。不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸大失恋的悲。
     (五)虽然,很多有成就的人士都没受过很多教育,但并不等于不用功读书,就一定可以成功。你学到的知识,就是你拥有的武器。人,可以白手兴家,但不可以手 无寸铁,紧记!
     (六)我不会要求你供养我下半辈子,同样地我也不会供养你的下半辈子,当你长大到可以独立的时候,我的责任已经完结。以后,你要坐巴士还是Benz,吃鱼 翅还是粉丝,都要自己负责。
     (七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求别人守信,你可以要求自己对人好,但不能期待人家对你好。你怎样对人,并不代表人家就会怎样对你,如果看不透这一 点,你只会徒添不必要的烦恼。
